"A Philadelphia Story" delves into the lives of an Indian couple navigating the intricate pathways of their relationship while residing in the United States. From their initial encounter to the complexities that preceded their union,...
This poignant collection of verses, seamlessly traversing between poetry, prose, and introspection, forms a unique tapestry that captivates the soul. "Mere Hissey Ki Shyaahi" by the author Ritu Gupta Garg, transcends the conventional boundaries of...
Dr. Abhishek Kumar's biology book is a groundbreaking work that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of a standard textbook. Each chapter serves as a gateway to discovery, enticing students to explore the mysteries of life....
Meet Vashistha Gupta, born on November 13th, 2000, a remarkable entrepreneur originating from Prayagraj, India. At the age of 22, he distinguishes himself not only as an entrepreneur but as a millionaire, Founder & CEO...
On the 23rd of June 1994, in the serene town of Bahadrabad, nestled in the district of Haridwar, Uttarakhand, a star was born. Vasu Chauhan, a name that resonates with versatility, is not just a...
Introduction: For the discerning singles of the western part of India, particularly Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan, the quest for a suitable life partner just got more tailored and exclusive. In a thoughtful response to the...
In the ever-evolving landscape of Indian entertainment, actress Ritu Shree stands out as a multifaceted talent who has seamlessly transitioned between Bollywood, television, and the South Indian film industry. With a career marked by versatility...
The rarest gem of India, ‘The Think Tank’, Dr. Sinchan Das is suffering from Takutsubo Cardiomyopathy, which is complicated with Myocardial Infarction. Dr. Sinchan is known for his extraordinary researches, heart touching teaching, out of...
Delhi, India - December 27, 2023
In the bustling heart of Delhi, Abhishek Soni stands as a multifaceted visionary, shaping the fashion and aviation industries with his entrepreneurial spirit. As the founder of "Delhi Fashion Show,"...
Lucknow, September 5, 2023 - In a grand event held at Vishwanat Hall, Lucknow, Digibharat Fintech Limited marked its official launch, setting ambitious goals...
“At No Time in the Past, Present or Future” by Ajay Bhavsar is a mesmerizing collection of short stories that transcends conventional storytelling boundaries,...
Introducing Parul Singh Noor, a Young Poet and Author Redefining the Power of Words, inspires with Artistic Brilliance
Delhi, India - Delhi, In the heart...