Neha Garg’s upcoming novel ‘‘Sangharsh Kahani Atoot Rishtey Ki” is being well received

It is just learned that the publisher PURVANCHAL FILM CITY has launched her next novel titled “SANGHARSH KAHANI ATOOT RISHTEY KI” written by NEHA GARG Those who have done M.Sc. Industrial Biotechnology. She has completed her studies, and now she is a writer and teacher by profession.

The author told, this story is the story of unbreakable love and relationship of two brothers, who have overcome every struggle in life by being each other’s shield. The purpose of this story is to awaken the feeling of love and an unbreakable relationship in every family, which is lost somewhere in the greed of money today.

“ज िंदगी मेंकु छ अच्छा करनेकी चाह ठानी है, आसमान की बुलिंजदय िंक पाना हैबस इतनी सी मनमानी है”

Few lines from the side of the writer:

ना कभी घबराया जीवन में हर वक्त को कसौटी मैंने माना, उतारा हर जज्बात को जीवन में मैंने बनाकर खास, रखकर खुद पर पूर्ण विश्वास, फिर सजाया मैंने पूरा जीवन मीठी खट्टी कहानी से, क्या तुमने सुनी ये कहानी है।

वक्त बदला हालात बदलेजिर भी सिंघर्णजटका रहा, उतरतेचढ़तेररश्त पर जिर भी न र का पहरा रहा, रूठना मनाना चलता रहा ीवन में, ज स पर जलखखए कहानी है, क्या तुमनेसुनी येकहानी है।


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