Cops book Ranveer for nude photo, enthusiasts question move

Mumbai Police on Tuesday recorded an FIR against actor Ranveer Singh for posting his raw filmland on social media, an functionary said. A Mumbai- grounded NGO and a counsel Vedika Chaubey had move toward the Chembur police with a complaint against the actor. Police registered the FIR under Indian Penal Code Sections 292( trade of stag books, etc), 293( trade of stag objects to youthful people), 509( word, gesture or act proposed to personality the modesty of a woman) and musts of the Information Technology Act.

In the history, Bombay HC had set aside an order against actor Pooja Bhatt while ruling that” profanity” test applied must be of a rational, reasonable inclined person.

elderly counsel Amit Desai said,” Showing a bare body in the snap as it is, shouldn’t under the law constitute roughness. bareness per se isn’t stag and the snap itself doesn’t appear to be envisaged to be lascivious or to supplicate to the prurient interest of any person as is the demand of Section 292 Indian Penal Code for an offence of publishing obnoxious material. There’s nothing on the face of it which shows that it tends to degrade or loose anyone’s mind moreover.”

Police takes action against Ranveer Singh for raw photoshoot; train FIR against him under IPC and IT Act

 Police takes action against Ranveer Singh for raw photoshoot; train FIR against him under IPC and IT Act

As per rearmost reports, an FIR has been filed against Ranveer Singh under IPC section 509, 292, 294 as well as the IT Act( Information Technology Act) at the Chembur Police Station on Tuesday. The said charges on the Jayesh bhai Jordaar actor include impertinent the modesty of a woman through an object or gesture, illustration through any form of art including photos that are considered stag in nature, and public profanity thereby leading to outraging the modesty of a woman. The review was submitted at the police station a day ago where a woman counsel appealed that the photoshoot hurt the sentiments of a woman, requesting the police to charge the actor under IPC sections for outraging a woman’s modesty.

Ranveer Singh, a philanthropist of several awards, is known for his places in flicks like Bajirao Mastani, Padmaavat and Gully Boy. Ranveer posed for transnational magazine Paper this month. The photoshoot, that showed him posing naked in a many filmland was met with some shock and some acclamation by his suckers and celebrity musketeers.

Latterly, the NGO and a woman counsel submitted separate complaints against the actor at Chembur police station. The operation filed by the counsel, a former intelligencer, had also demanded a case against Singh on the charge of determined to outrage the modesty of women, police before said.

Ranveer was lately seen in Netflix’s collaborative special Ranveer vs Wild with Bear Grylls which entered a positive response from observers. As far as flicks are concerned, he’ll next be seen in Rohit Shetty’s coming managerial film Cirkus with Jacqueline Fernandes and Pooja Hegde. The film is slated to release on the occasion of Christmas 2022.


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