In his latest collection of poems, "Pehloo", the esteemed poet Shailesh Vaishnav delves into various facets of society, offering a unique endeavor to touch upon different dimensions. With a curious mind, the poet questions these...
In "Stairs of Life," Neelam Singh serves up a hearty dose of inspiration and guidance for traversing life's winding path. Divided into three distinct sections, the book takes readers on a journey from the tumultuous...
In "Enchanting Neeli," author Sanjeev Kotnala masterfully weaves a poignant narrative that delves into the timeless theme of first love and its enduring impact on the human soul. Set against the backdrop of an orthodox...
In the insightful exploration of the mind's power, Samiulla Khan M delves deep into the core of human consciousness in their latest book, "Your Mind is not in your control?." The central theme revolves around...
“Dastan-e-Ásiir" is a mesmerizing journey through the realms of human emotion, expertly guided by the talented poet Ásiir. The title itself, "Tales of Captivation," perfectly encapsulates the essence of this poetic collection, where every verse...
In the bustling city of Bangalore, Syed Yunus, a budding entrepreneur, hails from a middle-class family. His parents, Syed Feroz, an electrical engineer, and Ayesha Begum, a dedicated homemaker, provided him with a nurturing environment...
Gurugram –, a revolutionary local search engine based in Gurugram, is redefining the way individuals connect with businesses and services nearby. Founded by Amit Kumar Gupta, is rapidly becoming the preferred choice for...
Gone are the days when a dentist's chair meant only drills and fillings. Today, Delhiites are embracing a new wave of dental care - one focused on aesthetics and enhancing your smile's natural beauty. At...
The exceptional journey of Webyapar Solutions is driven by the insightful leadership and vision of its co-founders. Each, with their unique expertise and experience, has contributed significantly to the company's rise as a key player...
Tesla boss Elon Musk has offered some other 7.92 million shares in the electric powered vehicle maker, well worth round $6.88bn (£5.7bn).The income took...
In the fast-evolving landscape of online businesses, having a reliable and affordable web hosting provider is crucial. Oysten Host GHP, established in 2019 in...
Journey into a world where transformation knows no bounds, where the depths of the soul meet the pinnacle of self-discovery. Abyss to Summit: Soul's...
Inspiring Indian Women(IIW) UK, a women's group, has made history by organizing a groundbreaking virtual event on geopolitics titled "India in a New World...