Online International Exhibition by Madhubani Paintings and Art Group

Madhubani Paintings and Art Group, recognized as one of the largest folk art communities globally, is set to showcase its vibrant talent on a digital platform through its inaugural Online International Exhibition. With a staggering membership count of 2.28 lakh artists, the group has been a beacon for promoting the exquisite Madhubani art form.

While the group has previously organized online contests, this marks their pioneering venture into hosting an international exhibition virtually, focusing solely on the captivating Madhubani paintings.

In an exclusive conversation with our reporter, Mr. Sudip Srivastava and Mrs. Smriti Srivastava, administrators of the Madhubani Paintings and Art Group, shared insights into this groundbreaking initiative. They expressed enthusiasm about the participation of esteemed Mithila artists at the international level, promising a visual treat for art aficionados worldwide.

“Madhubani art has a rich cultural heritage, and through this exhibition, we aim to showcase its beauty and intricacy to a global audience,” remarked Mr. Sudip Srivastava.

Mrs. Smriti Srivastava echoed his sentiments, emphasizing the significance of preserving and promoting traditional art forms in the digital age.

The couple assured that the exhibition would be accessible to all enthusiasts through the group’s website, Visitors can immerse themselves in the mesmerizing world of Madhubani art from the comfort of their homes and also have the option to purchase these exquisite artworks.

With anticipation building up for this landmark event, art lovers worldwide eagerly await the unveiling of the Online International Exhibition by Madhubani Paintings and Art Group, celebrating the timeless allure of this age-old folk art form.


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